Omniture Announces New Versions of SiteCatalyst and Discover

Omniture released there newest version of SiteCatalyst and Discover yesterday, April 8th, and are available to all current SiteCatalyst and Discover customers. To address the changing marketing dynamics – mobile is projected to be ‘bigger’ than most people think – Omniture is releasing SiteCatalyst version 14.7 and Discover 2.9.  These two updated products “provide new analytics and optimization capabilities to make it easier and more effective for you to gain the insights needed for optimizing your online business.”

Some of the new features for SiteCatalyst version 14.7 include:

  • New dashboard capabilities that make it effortless to display, print or share data across your organization
  • Expanded mobile device database, which now include the iPad
  • Improved reporting and admin features to provide better “visualization” of data and easier management of user groups

Some of the Discover version 2.9 updates include:

  • Improved accuracy in measurement of engagement as a function of time and more detailed trending for greater insight into hourly visit dynamics
  • Segmentation features with time-based rules, providing better insight into user behavior
  • Easier access to projects and customizable default metrics
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