2010 Holiday Preparations

According to the Google Retail Team, it’s now time to begin preparing for the upcoming holiday season. Below are highlights from 2009 insights. (via Google)

1. 44% of shoppers already started their shopping and researching as of August last year.
2. Searches for ‘promo codes’ increased by 55% year-over-year.
3. Searches rose 20% year-over-year as consumers go online
4. Two of the top three days for online purchases were Mondays
5. Half of all new internet connections will come from mobile phones.
6. Searches for “buy online, pick up in store” were up by as much as 100% this past December.
7. The week before Christmas accounted for 20% of post-Black Friday online sales
8. Hottest gifts of 2009 included Pikachu and Legos, as well as newcomers like the Nerf Marshmellow Shooter
9. Conversion rates to top retail sites rebounded immediately following the holidays

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