AOL Launches Ad Desk

AOL has launched a beta version a self-service ad tool that will enable marketers to launch and manage their own campaigns.  This application, dubbed “Ad Desk,” will sell CPM advertisements that can be targeted by Website, category, geographic location, demographic, and behavior.

Jeff Levick, Executive Vice President of AOL Advertising, stated that “Transparency and control are the future of online advertising.  Providing clients with a greater level of personalized control over digital marketing campaigns is paramount as organizations continue to look for innovative ways to promote their brands and evaluate their ROI when planning campaigns.”

The main features of this new application are (via AOL):

  • Direct access and control to media planning tools and analytics;
  • Segmentation of AOL properties and network based on interest, audience and/or geography;
  • A tool built for advertising agencies that allows them to take more control and get more transparency.

Currently, the minimum campaign cost for companies that use Ad Destk is roughly $300 for 3 days or $3,000 per month (via Adage).

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