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AOL Launches Ad Desk
Eugene O'Rourke
- April 26, 2010
AOL has launched a beta version a self-service ad tool that will enable marketers to launch and manage their own campaigns. This application, dubbed “Ad Desk,” will sell CPM advertisements…
The Google Graveyard
Eugene O'Rourke
- July 4, 2013
WordStream has created an interesting infographic to help “celebrate the end of Google Reader,” which showcases a history of products that Google has terminated over the years.
Android Twitter App Updated
Eugene O'Rourke
- August 27, 2010
Twitter released an update to the Twitter for Android app this week. Some of the more notable changes include some bug fixes, OAuth integration, and fix for contact sync. If…
Twitter Creates Promoted Tweets
Eugene O'Rourke
- April 19, 2010
Twitter announced its new program, dubbed Promoted Tweets, which will be the company’s first attempt at monetizing the network. Advertisers will be able to purchase keywords and have their ads…